What really makes a business successful? A question with multiple answers, depending on the perspective.

However, as we emerge into recovery phase of the pandemic, the importance of culture cannot be underestimated as it is now one of the main things people consider when deciding whether or not to apply for a job.

In fact, this study found that 77% of adults consider a company’s culture before applying for a role there.

Understanding and improving culture can have a big impact on hiring and retaining staff, as well as supporting performance and productivity.  Although we talk about it a lot, what exactly is business culture?

Defining the company culture

Let’s break down what company culture is. We see there are four categories to be considered:

  1. Behaviours

These are how employees conduct themselves and interact with others. For example, how open meetings are, how the hierarchy is managed, sharing, empowerment and helping others, and more.

  1. Values

These are what people bring and demonstrate in the workplace, such as their integrity, honesty, kindness, and energy. They are often the unwritten codes of conduct and can be seen in preparation for meetings, team dynamics, and dress code.

  1. Rituals

More important than you may realise, rituals reinforce company culture and values. Physical or virtual socialising is an essential part of company culture, as is sending a team member presents on their birthday.

  1. Artifacts are physical objects and most prominent is the workplace itself. It matters whether an office is open plan or closed door, the space and how it’s used will impact staff. However, there is an argument to say this is not as important given our changing world of work.

Review where your business is right now to spot where the issues are. Can you define what the company culture is? Talk to your employees to gain insight, don’t make assumptions, go straight to the people who live and breathe it every day through a meaningful employee engagement programme.

Finding your purpose

Purpose is at the heart of improving culture. If your employees do not have a sense of purpose, other ‘cultural’ activities risk being wasted.

Enhance the motivation and purpose of an individual in the workplace by recognising their achievements and responsibility. Help them climb the ladder if they want it and give them work that is interesting and relevant. We call these ‘enhancers’.

However, there are also ‘hygiene factors’. These include things like pay, work conditions, job security, and medical benefits.

People will typically consider these hygiene factors first when choosing their next role, without paying too much attention to the enhancers. However, the enhancers are usually the reason why someone will choose to stay in, or leave, a job, so demonstrating purpose and culture should be a priority for every business.

Decide what it is you want to achieve, what your role is, what is the end goal for yourself, your team, your colleagues, and your organisation. Once you know what the purpose is, define it and reinforce it around the business.

Improving culture from the start

Company culture starts from the beginning of the recruitment process, which is why onboarding plays such an important part for new employees – and potentially even more so for graduate hires.

The Maru Inplacement programme has been designed to give new starters everything they need to hit the ground running. They will understand what is expected of them, how they can build their future with the company, and integrate into the company culture.

Book a free consultation and find out how Inplacement can help train and retain employees by emailing us at  info@maru-search.com

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This post was written by maruhrstaging

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